A quarter of working adults without income protection would like to have it


  • Nearly one in five said they would struggle to pay their mortgage or rent if they couldn’t work for two months due to illness or injury
  • 26% of workers who do not have an income protection product would like to have it

Research from protection specialist LV= has explored attitudes to income protection to coincide with Income Protection Awareness Week (IPAW).

Our research* examining financial resilience reveals:

  • 15% of working adults had an Income Protection policy in place, while 12% had IP provided by their employer 
  • Over a quarter (26%) of workers who don’t hold an IP product would like to have one
  • 60% of 25-44 year olds without protection would feel more financially resilient if they had a policy that paid if they were unable to work due to illness or injury 

Many people do not have adequate savings if unable to work, leaving them vulnerable to financial shocks:

  • 26% of working adults have less than £1,000 in savings or no savings at all
  • Almost one in five (19%) would have to rely on their partner’s income to cover bills if they were unable to work
  • Only half of workers (49%) would be able to survive more than four months without an income. 

Mortgage holders are more likely than renters to hold an income protection policy

  • One in four (25%) mortgage holders have income protection compared to just over one in ten (11%) renters surveyed
  • 19% of UK workers would struggle to pay their mortgage or rent if they couldn’t work for two months due to illness or injury
  • But 24% of mortgage holders surveyed believe that they don’t need income protection 

LV= paid £13.6 million in new and on-going income protection claims in 2021. The most commonly claimed conditions were Musculoskeletal issues (20%), fractures (20%) and cancer (17%), representing nearly 58% of all income protection claims.


Mike Farrell, Protection Sales Director at LV=, said: 

“As the impact of the cost of living crisis deepens, people are becoming aware of their financial resilience and the value that income protection insurance brings. With energy bills and mortgage and rent payments rising, increasing numbers of people are worried about how they would pay their bills if an accident or illness prevented them working.

“Income protection remains a flexible way to maintain a financial safety net if someone is unable to rely on cash savings. Budget income protection plans with 12 and 24 month options provide an income for specified periods while giving more flexibility to customers.

For those facing financial hardship and unable to cover premiums, in certain circumstances LV= payment breaks can offer relief without sacrificing their cover.”

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About LV=

LV= is a leading financial mutual and serves over 1.3 million members with a range of financial products. When we started in 1843 our goal was to give financial security to more than just a privileged few and for many decades we were most commonly associated with providing a method of saving to people of modest means. Today we follow a similar purpose, helping people to protect and provide for the things they love, although on a much larger scale and through a wide range of financial services including insurance, investment and retirement products. We offer our services direct to consumers, as well as through IFAs. 

LV= and Liverpool Victoria are registered trademarks of Liverpool Victoria Financial Services Limited and LV= and LV= Liverpool Victoria are trading styles of the Liverpool Victoria group of companies. Liverpool Victoria Financial Services Limited, registered in England with registration number 12383237 is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority, register number 110035. Registered address: County Gates, Bournemouth, BH1 2NF.