Woman and child gardening


Here’s what you need to know about the LV= ISA


Our stocks and shares ISA can give you...

  • Tax efficient savings with long term growth potential
  • A choice of investment funds tailored to your risk appetite

ISA features

Our stocks and shares ISA lets you:

Buy an optional 10-year guarantee to protect your investments.

At the end of the 10-year term, this guarantees your investment’s value will be at least the value on the start date, minus any withdrawals, ongoing and ad-hoc adviser charges.

(This is only available on the ISA Cautious Fund:

  • at the outset
  • for subsequent subscriptions
  • on the expiry of an existing guarantee).

Important information

Investing money can be rewarding but it’s not without risks. Here’s what you need to know:

Photo frame, stack of paper, computer, pen and notebook
  • This is a stock market-related investment available to UK residents aged 18-84. You can still hold an ISA over age 85, but you cannot pay into it.
  • The value of your investment could go down as well as up, so you could get back less than you paid in.
  • Whilst there is no minimum or fixed term, this is a medium to long term investment for at least 5 years, preferably 10 years or longer.
  • Although our smoothing process aims to reduce the impact of sudden market movements, it doesn’t mean investments won’t drop in value. it doesn't prevent losses due to a long-term falling market. 
  • Please note that smoothing can be suspended if there are extreme market conditions, or at our discretion.
  • Withdrawals - if you withdraw more money from your ISA than the amount your ISA has grown by, the value of your ISA will be less than you’ve put in.
  • If you invest in the Cautious Fund and select the optional 10-year guarantee please be aware of the associated terms and charges.
  • There are costs involved in setting up and looking after your ISA, you can read more about the charges here.

Important documents

LV= ISA documents

Here you can find documents related to our ISA, it’s important that you read and understand them.

Key information documents

ISA Key Information Documents

These documents provide you key information about this investment product. It is not marketing material. The information is required by law to help you understand the nature, risks, costs, potential gains and losses of this product and to help you compare it with other products.

Next steps

To help you get the most from your money please contact your financial adviser

If you do not have a financial adviser, you can speak to one of our investment advice specialists.
Note: The information given in these pages should not be seen as advice to take out this product.