We'll make getting a quote with us as easy as possible
So, to save you time, we've put together a list of the information you'll need in order to be able to get a home insurance quote.
Claims History
Here's what we'll need to know about you and your claims history...
- Personal details like your date of birth, telephone number and email address
- Details of any claims you or anyone living with you have made on home insurance in the last five years including with us (we'll need the date and what happened)
- Details of any unspent non-motoring convictions you or anyone living with you have had
- If you need to add a joint policyholder, we'll need their details too
SUM Insured
Let's make sure you have the right sum insured...
- The sum insured is the maximum amount that we will pay out to you in the event of a claim, so, your contents need to be insured for the amount that it would cost to replace them as new
- It's good practice to re-evaluate your contents on a regular basis, this could be after Christmas or birthdays especially if expensive items have been bought
- For more information, read our handy guide on valuing the cost of your contents
Property Details
We'll need to know a little bit about your home...
- The year the property was built
- The material(s) that the majority of your walls and roof of your property are made of
- Whether the property is listed and if so what grade
- Whether the property has ever suffered from, or shows any signs of damage caused by, subsidence, landslip or heave
- If the property has ever suffered from flooding or if it's in an area currently under a flood warning
- What types of locks you have on your doors and windows as well as any alarms or security systems
To keep your stuff safe tell us about your belongings...
- The total cost of the contents in your home - this amount should include all of your contents plus valuables, bicycles and personal possessions. Our contents cover is on a new for old basis
- Details of any valuables* worth more than £2000 individually that you have in your home, you'll need to let us know if you'd like these items covered outside of the home as well
- How much cover you'll need for belongings you take away from the home worth less than £2000 individually such as mobile phones, cameras and glasses
- The make, model and value of any bikes you'd like to cover away from the home
* Jewellery, watches, furs, items made of gold, silver and other precious metals, pictures and other works of art, including stamp, coin and medal collections
Want to know if we can insure you?
We can't insure you if the property...
- Has previously been flooded or is currently under a flood warning
- Has suffered from, or is showing any signs of, subsidence, landslip or heave
- Isn't built of brick, stone or concrete and roofed with slate, tiles, concrete, metal, asphalt, fibreglass or glass
- Isn't in a good state of structural repair
- Is a mobile home
- Has eight or more bedrooms
- Has six or more bathrooms
- Has more bathrooms than bedrooms
- Is a listed property or is under a preservation order