Breakdown claim form

Before you start

If you’re at your home address and your vehicle has any of these three faults, there’s no need to call us. Instead, you can save time by using our online form.  

• A flat battery 
• Flat tyre/s 
• Locked or seized brakes 

If you don’t have Home Assist cover on your breakdown policy, don’t worry –  we can still help for an additional fee. Report your claim using our online form and we’ll contact you to talk through your options.

If your vehicle has any other faults, you require urgent assistance or you’ve broken down by the roadside, please contact us on 0330 678 7111. Our lines are open 24/7. For Text Phone first dial 18001. Calls will be recorded.

Fields marked with an asterisk * below are mandatory

If your fault isn't listed, please call us on 0330 678 7111. Our lines are open 24/7.

Your details

We need this to confirm your policy
Enter your postcode and press 'find address'.