Millions want to stick with lockdown lifestyle changes

  • 21m say life after lockdown has made more focused on their family
  • And 18m say they want to continue working from home

Research from pensions and retirement specialist LV= highlights how millions of UK adults want to keep lifestyle changes adopted during the Covid pandemic. 
The LV= Wealth and Wellbeing Monitor* – a quarterly survey of 4,000 UK adults – reveals the Covid pandemic, lockdowns and ending of Covid restrictions has changed people’s attitudes to work and family life. 

  • 41% (21m) of those with a family say they have become more focused on their family compared to before the pandemic
  • 38% (15m) of workers have become more focused on work-life balance
  • 32% (16m) have become more focused on hobbies and interests and 45% (23m) are more focussed on their health

Many activities that increased during the pandemic – such as working from home, online shopping and remote parents’ evenings – people want to continue. A significant  proportion want to stick with changes – such as remote GP appointments – that were forced upon them by the pandemic.

The survey looked at activities that increased during the pandemic and found:

  • 91% (32m) of those that exercised more during the pandemic want to continue  this
  • 79% (18m) of those that worked from home during the pandemic want to continue working from home
  • 76% (23m) of those who did online grocery shopping want to continue
  • 68% (9m)  of those that were able to do the school run more during the pandemic want to continue doing it
  • 65% (12m) who received remote financial advice want to continue doing so
  • 58% (10m) of parents that did remote parents’ evenings (conducted by zoom or phone) want to continue them
  • 44% (17m) of those that did remote GP appointments want to continue them

Wealthier households are faring best

LV= asked people what elements of their life have improved or worsened compared to before the pandemic. UK adults are generally more likely to say their finances, fitness and stress levels have deteriorated compared to before the pandemic.

However, some 27% of workers said their work life balance is better now than before the pandemic, compared to 12% who say it is worse.

The mass affluent group – those with assets of between £100,000 and £400,000 excluding housing – appear to have fared better than the general population.

  • 26% said their diet was better than before the pandemic compared to 20% of the general population
  • 25% said their fitness was better than before the pandemic compared to 18% of the general population
  • 27% said their relationship with their partner was better compared to 21% of the general population who had a partner
  • 32% of employed mass affluent said their work-life balance was better, slightly higher than the overall working population (27%)

Clive Bolton, Managing Director of Protection, Savings and Retirement at LV=, said:

“The Covid-19 pandemic has been incredibly difficult for everyone and made a huge impact on the lives, personal finances and jobs of millions of people."

“The restrictions introduced during the pandemic were forced on the nation and it was assumed that once they ended, people would quickly return to their lifestyles before lockdown."

“However, the pandemic has caused millions of people to re-evaluate their priorities, and now many want to keep the changes that they were forced to adopt."

“Working from home, for example, was something that before the pandemic was done perhaps once or twice a week, if at all. But for many, it has now become common practice and they are now reluctant to return to their commuting lifestyle. Similarly, many people appreciate the convenience of remote parents’ evenings, financial advice and doctors’ appointments and want to continue doing these remotely."

“The pandemic, lockdown and accompanying upheaval in our lives have made people appreciate the importance of close bonds of family and friendships and many want the changes introduced during lockdown to continue to give them to have more time to spend with the people that are important to them.”


Notes to Editors

* LV= surveyed 4,000 nationally representative UK adults (of which at least 500 were mass affluent) via an online omnibus conducted by Opinium in March 2022. 

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LV= is a leading financial mutual and serves over 1.3 million members with a range of financial products. When we started in 1843 our goal was to give financial security to more than just a privileged few and for many decades we were most commonly associated with providing a method of saving to people of modest means. Today we follow a similar purpose, helping people to protect and provide for the things they love, although on a much larger scale and through a wide range of financial services including insurance, investment and retirement products. We offer our services direct to consumers, as well as through IFAs. 

LV= and Liverpool Victoria are registered trademarks of Liverpool Victoria Financial Services Limited and LV= and LV= Liverpool Victoria are trading styles of the Liverpool Victoria group of companies. Liverpool Victoria Financial Services Limited, registered in England with registration number 12383237 is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority, register number 110035. Registered address: County Gates, Bournemouth, BH1 2NF.